About eduinn
Guiding adults towards a conscious interaction with children
At eduinn, we are convinced that the world of education needs fundamental innovation. That is why we have made it our mission to support adults who want to better understand the needs of the children entrusted to their care. We help adults in enabling the children to develop in a way which is self-determined and guided from within.
For example, it is essential to understand the concept of children's authentic needs and to distinguish these from compensational needs. It is not necessary to give in to or fulfill all of the children's wishes. However, it is essential to respond to the children's authentic needs, as this is the only way they can fully develop their inherent potential.
It is particularly important to be well versed in this area in order to be able to make conscious decisions:
When is it crucial for the adults to provide a clearly defined structure and when is it necessary to give space to the child's spontaneity?
When should adults say "no" and when should they say "yes"?
When is it right to let children decide freely and when is it right for adults to make the decisions?
How can a stimulating, child-appropriate environment be created that awakens the children's curiosity and fulfills their innate desire to learn?
It takes a comprehensive understanding of child development to be able to distinguish between what is an authentic need and what is a compensational need, to be able to recognize when boundaries are needed and when freedom is required, and to be able to offer the right nourishment for the child's curiosity.
The aim of eduinn is to help adults to acquire and deepen this knowledge and understanding.

Adults who accompany children on their developmental path take the different developmental stages of children into account. They are aware that every child has specific developmental needs depending on their age and thus takes in knowledge in fundamentally different ways.
Accompanying adults do not meet children with a preconceived idea of how they should be or become. Rather, they have an attitude of curiosity, respect and openness to what the children want to develop into and what they want to live.
Child-Appropriate Pedagogy
Enabling children to develop freely within a safe and reliable framework.
By "child-appropriate pedagogy" we mean the following:
Adults who accompany children are prepared to work on themselves in order to be able to respond appropriately to the specific needs of children at all stages of development. They can recognize children's current interests and provide them with suitable materials to satisfy their inquiring minds. They can support them in solving problems and conflicts by providing words and contexts that enable the children to understand their own emotions.
Children are accompanied by adults who organize everyday life coherently and consistently (in terms of space, time and social context).
Adults who accompany children in their development refrain from being the heroes in the children's lives. They learn to take a step back and let the children take the stage of their own lives.
The children are not judged according to their activities, interests and achievements.
The children grow up in a carefully prepared learning environment² so that they can independently satisfy their curiosity and their thirst for knowledge and action.
Children grow up in an environment in which they can determine their own social interactions, move freely and choose between activities that engage their minds or their hands, whether indoors or outdoors.
Children grow up in an environment in which they find learning-materials² that enable them to independently acquire areas of knowledge and understand them in their own way.
² We prefer the words "environment prepared for the child’s development" and "developmental-material", but use "learning-environment" and "learning-material" here for ease of understanding.

Cosmic Education
The term "Cosmic Education" refers to the program developed by Maria and Mario Montessori for children between 6 to 12 years of age.
According to their observations, children in this age group primarily want to understand connections, do their own research, undertake large projects and conduct their explorations also outside of school. They therefore need a program that enables them to do all of this. Since the interest of these children relates to everything there is to know, from the Big Bang to human culture, the term Cosmic Education was coined for this program.
In the Cosmic Education program there are various elements such as stories to introduce disciplines and arouse curiosity, presentations and experiments to explore topics in detail, excursions to discover new themes and deepen old ones, and experts are invited to introduce new subject matters and give new insights into familiar ones.
All these elements are tools for the adults to present content to the children.
For the children's independent exploration, there is the so-called "prepared environment" which is equipped by the adults with concrete material, books, charts and timelines according to the children's respective interests.
The contents of Cosmic Education are the subject areas of: Astrophysics, geology, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, history, languages, mathematics, geometry, sociology, economics, philosophy, religion, music and art.

The "Cosmic Tales" are part of the Cosmic Education program. They are stories that introduce a new subject area to the children. The focus is not primarily on conveying information but on arousing curiosity, creating an emotional connection to a new subject area and igniting enthusiasm for the new field of research.
Cosmic Tales