
Online seminars
In our online seminars, the focus lies on frontal presentations and the lecture. There is sufficient time for questions and discussions and the individual materials are made available to the participants for closer inspection in the form of photos.
After each seminar, the participants will also receive a list of the materials presented with links to where they can be purchased.
Online seminars are offered on the following topics
The Montessori Music Approach, age group 3 - 6 years
The Montessori Music Approach, age group 6 - 12 years
Developmental Psychology
The seminars are offered in German, Italian and English.
In the attendance seminars, the participants have the opportunity to try out the material presented and thus gain experience.
The seminars are a mixture of lecture and presentations with the opportunity to ask questions, discuss and work with the materials presented.
After each seminar, the participants will also receive a list of links where the materials presented can be purchased.
Attendace seminars are offered on the following topics:
The Montessori Music Approach, age group 3 - 6 years
The Montessori Music Approach, age group 6 - 12 years
Developmental Psychology
The seminars are offered in German, Italian and English.
Attendance seminars
Upcoming Seminars

Seminar Cosmic Education
with Verena Welser
Date to be announced

Location to be announced

Seminar Cosmic Tales
with Verena Welser
Date to be announced

Location to be announced

Seminar Montessori and Music
with Verena Welser
Date to be announced

Location to be announced